Dear Editor:
You know what? I hate to say this, but Father Cantalamessa's sermon about "Who do you say that I am?" is the same old stuff that you hear in the Catholic Church all the time. It all comes from the left, logical lobe and frankly, is beginning to annoy me.
I never thought that I would catch myself saying that, but it is true. When I saw this on the front page of the magazine to which I am related, I was plugged in and rattled.
We Catholics never hear a true testimony of personal faith from the pulpit. This part of the Gospel should have been the trigger for personal witness to the relationship between the spiritual leader of the flock and Jesus.
Instead what we got, and not just from Father Cantalamessa, but from the rest of the clergy, was a bunch of direction from what appears to be the intellectual leader of the Sunday School Assembly.
I am not so sure that any of these preachers know Jesus. I am quite convinced that they can talk about Jesus all day. After all, that's what they studied in school for all those years of seminary. But it's getting more and more evident to me that none of them ever shook His hand, looked Him in the eye, and said what Peter said, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God" and I am very glad to know you.
The pulpit leaders of the Catholic Church rarely reach into their own hearts to throw spiritual love out over the congregation. Catholics themselves imitate this and never talk about their personal relationship with Jesus. We know that if we do, we will be ridiculed by our hearers and more than likely be accused of boasting about our intimate relationship with "the Lord."
Why are we ashamed of being emotional about our relationship with Jesus? We hold hands with our children. We hold hands with our wives. We are not even shy about wrapping our arms around one another and even slipping a hand into our loved one's back pocket in public. I want to know what is so shameful about patting Jesus on the back(side!) in public?
I think that after I finish with this diatribe, I'm going to polish off my rusty Italian and give a piece of the right side of my brain to Father Cantalamessa. When I get done with him, he won't cry at my funeral. As they say in Italy, "Finalmente, non c'è più!"
~Paul Dion, STL
She wants to get a copy of the GIRM
I read your article "Gestures At Mass". I found this article informative and interesting. The General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM) was used as reference. Please, where can I purchase this book?
I really enjoy receiving "Parish World" by email. Thank you.
Tricia Coscione
(I suggest you check out the US catholic Conference of Bishops and get the information you need from there. Click here for the link. ~Editor)
I really enjoy receiving "Parish World" by email. Thank you.
Tricia Coscione
(I suggest you check out the US catholic Conference of Bishops and get the information you need from there. Click here for the link. ~Editor)
Looking for a parish in San Diego
I have recently moved to Carmel Valley in San Diego and haven't been able to find a parish in the area. Can you help me please?
~ Anonymous
(There are several Catholic parishes in your area. Check out the Diocese of San Diego web site by clicking here. ~ Editor )
~ Anonymous
(There are several Catholic parishes in your area. Check out the Diocese of San Diego web site by clicking here. ~ Editor )
Their family is in a financial bind
My family is in financial need and I wanted to know if you know of any organizations that can help us. As of right now we are 3 months behind with our mortgage and I am fearing that we will lose our house. Can you please guide me in the direction where we can get help. Thank you.
~ Julie D.
(Have you tried Catholic Charities? Or maybe your local parish? We really have no ready information to give you. We pray you survive this crisis. And please know that God is with you every step of the way. If anyone would like to help Julie's family, please contact us at and we will get you hooked up with her. - Editor)
~ Julie D.
(Have you tried Catholic Charities? Or maybe your local parish? We really have no ready information to give you. We pray you survive this crisis. And please know that God is with you every step of the way. If anyone would like to help Julie's family, please contact us at and we will get you hooked up with her. - Editor)
He doesn't believe in Catholicism but wants his son in Catholic school
By Wally Arida, Publisher of
We ran across this article dated Sept. 9, 2006 in the Toronto Star. Columnist Ken Gallinger responded to it. We thought it would be interesting to share it with you and ask you what your thoughts are about it.
Here is the article in its entirety:
Q.: I'm Roman Catholic and my partner is Protestant. We never got married because of all the hoops my church wanted us to jump through. I haven't gone to church since.
We have a 4-year-old and want to start him in a Catholic school next fall; they have a nicer building than the public school, and it's right down the street. But now the church is setting up more hoops.
Our Catholic friends have told us he can't go to a Catholic school unless he has a baptism certificate. We never had him baptized, and don't want to as we believe the Church's positions on marriage, birth control and abortion are outdated and offensive.
Still I've been a separate school taxpayer all my life and it's not fair that our child is kept out of a publicly funded system because of a Church rule.
A.: Your Catholic friends were likely asked to show their children's baptismal certificates when they registered their kids. That's normal practice at Roman Catholic schools and establishes that the kids are Catholic. But the policy of the Toronto Catholic District School Board is that, as long as one parent can "prove their Catholicity," their kids can attend the school, even if the kids themselves are not Catholic. Proving you are Catholic usually means producing a baptism certificate or letter from the parish where you were baptized. So as long as you have your baptismal certificate stored away somewhere, presumably with other documents you consider outdated, you should be okay.
Please don't have your son baptized. There are promises and commitments associated with that sacrament, and they are clearly not commitments you want or intend to honour. If your local principal insists, refer him to Catholic school board for clarification.
You raised the word "fair" so let me ask you this: if you find the Catholic Church's positions on marriage and family life so troublesome, why enrol your child in a school where those positions are going to be taught and reinforced? Catholic education is a package designed to reflect the values and ethical standards of the Roman Catholic Church. If those standards offend you, are you really being fair — either to the system or to your son?
Well, now what do you think? Share your comments with us. You can sign it anonymous if you so wish.
We ran across this article dated Sept. 9, 2006 in the Toronto Star. Columnist Ken Gallinger responded to it. We thought it would be interesting to share it with you and ask you what your thoughts are about it.
Here is the article in its entirety:
Q.: I'm Roman Catholic and my partner is Protestant. We never got married because of all the hoops my church wanted us to jump through. I haven't gone to church since.
We have a 4-year-old and want to start him in a Catholic school next fall; they have a nicer building than the public school, and it's right down the street. But now the church is setting up more hoops.
Our Catholic friends have told us he can't go to a Catholic school unless he has a baptism certificate. We never had him baptized, and don't want to as we believe the Church's positions on marriage, birth control and abortion are outdated and offensive.
Still I've been a separate school taxpayer all my life and it's not fair that our child is kept out of a publicly funded system because of a Church rule.
A.: Your Catholic friends were likely asked to show their children's baptismal certificates when they registered their kids. That's normal practice at Roman Catholic schools and establishes that the kids are Catholic. But the policy of the Toronto Catholic District School Board is that, as long as one parent can "prove their Catholicity," their kids can attend the school, even if the kids themselves are not Catholic. Proving you are Catholic usually means producing a baptism certificate or letter from the parish where you were baptized. So as long as you have your baptismal certificate stored away somewhere, presumably with other documents you consider outdated, you should be okay.
Please don't have your son baptized. There are promises and commitments associated with that sacrament, and they are clearly not commitments you want or intend to honour. If your local principal insists, refer him to Catholic school board for clarification.
You raised the word "fair" so let me ask you this: if you find the Catholic Church's positions on marriage and family life so troublesome, why enrol your child in a school where those positions are going to be taught and reinforced? Catholic education is a package designed to reflect the values and ethical standards of the Roman Catholic Church. If those standards offend you, are you really being fair — either to the system or to your son?
Well, now what do you think? Share your comments with us. You can sign it anonymous if you so wish.
Will you help undocumented people even if it means breaking the law?

This post was placed in one of the local ParishWorld blogs for St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church in Rialto, CA. The sentiment of this anonymous writer seemed so genuine, it prompted us to place it as a question that we would like all of you to reflect upon.
Here is the original post:
I have a concern that tugs at my heart. Am I willing to go to jail for helping an undocumented person by giving them food, clothing or spiritual nurishment? As a Catholic I know it is what I am called to do, but will I accept the consequences if this pending legislation goes into effect?
- Anonymous
Here is our question to you:
As Catholics, you know what you are called to do. But if this pending legislation becomes law, will you still help all our undocumented brothers and sisters? Are you willing to accept the consequences of such actions?
Let us know what you think. You can sign your comment anonymous if you so wish.
God bless.
Wally Arida
Publisher & Editor in chief
Great Idea!
Thanks for all you are doing for Wordnet on ParishWorld. Great idea! I am happy that you keep me on the list! Gratefully,
--Pat Phillips, sHCJChair, Wordnet Board of Directors
--Pat Phillips, sHCJChair, Wordnet Board of Directors
She says "WOW!" from Germany
WOW!! My husband and I came to Loerrach, Germany, from Australia to plant an English speaking Church for non Christians. We have been here 6 months and are just beginning the process. May your youth be excited about being followers of Jesus. If you want a good read "Just walk across the room" by Bill Hybels. Released this year. Practical way of doing evangelism - and we can ALL do it. Advancing the Invisible,
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