
Thank you from a Cradle Catholic

I am US based on the East Coast. I reside in VA and work in NC. I've been in IT almost since graduating from college. I'm at work right now but will be heading home in a while to watch the Dodgers-Cubs game 3. If you don't follow baseball I'm sure you at least hear a lot about it these days since both LA area teams are in the playoffs. I am pulling for both LA teams only because I am anti-Cubs and Red Sox.

I think I am a typical cradle Catholic, don't know if that is good or bad. I try to make it to church every Sunday, most of the time late. I plan to be a tour area's participation in The National Life Chain tomorrow. I did not register though, because I never commit to anything. I enjoy watching some of the shows on EWTN.This is probably the same reason I wander into ParishWorld when I have the chance.Since I am in an area where Catholics are a minority, I have to rely on the internet and TV to get into the "Catholic world". I want to know what the Vatican's views are and how they speak to the issues.

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